We assist DAR supported schools and provide backpacks filled with school supplies, and sponsor awards for local children participating in the Manatee County History Fair. We have collected Campbell’s UPC labels and gently used clothing for resale.
Our chapter actively supports outstanding students in their pursuit of obtaining DAR Scholarships. We are financial supporters of all DAR Schools.

Manatee Daughters join our Past Regent at Felt’s Audubon Preserve for a Guided Boardwalk. They learned about the Conservation efforts being made including restoration of natural areas, planting of native plants to encourage birds and butterflies, and the planting of a microforest. They made their way to the bird blind where they were delighted to see the make and female painted bunting, several indigo bunting and a brilliant red cardinal.

Manatee Daughters support Roger’s Garden Block Elementary
Donating a check for $500 to be used for the purchase of books from the school book fair. These books will be available to students to promote reading and literacy.

Daughters bring in supplies for Rogers Gardens – Bullock Elementary School
All of these school supplies were purchased and donated at our first meeting of the season. All of these will be donated to Rogers Gardens – Bullock Elementary to support the students and teachers.
Manatee Chapter’s 2023 American History Essay Winner Advances to National Competition
FSSDAR American History Contest 7th Grade Winner, Catherine from St Joseph Catholic School was the 7th Grade winner for her American History Essay on the 2nd Continental Congress. Her essay now goes to Washington DC to compete at the national level. Well done, Catherine!! To read her essay, “Delegate to the 2nd Continental Congress” click here

Catherine from St Joseph Catholic School with our Manatee Chapter Regent
DAR Good Citizen 2023

DAR Good Citizens 2nd Place from Palmetto High School with Manatee Chapter’s Regent and Vice Regent
American History Essay Winners 2023
American History Essay Contest Winners: Regent with 5th Grade Winner from Robert E Willis Elementary; 7th and 6th Grade Winners from St Joseph Catholic School; 8th Grade Winner from St Joseph Catholic School.
DAR Day of Service
The Manatee Chapter has increased volunteer efforts to support the needs of Rogers Garden-Bullock Elementary School. Each year as our DAR Day of Service project, we purchase much-needed school supplies. When new flooring was placed throughout the school, members helped sort and re-catalog the books in the Media Center. The chapter also donated books for their Book Fair. The school operates a food pantry with a weekly food distribution program. Before that can take place, pallets of donated food must be unboxed and stored. Manatee Chapter members are working hard to keep this program operating.

Book Donations

Manatee Chapter DAR members with Roger’s Assistant Principal receiving instructions for stocking the Food Pantry.
American History Essay Contest Winners
At our January 2022 meeting, we were very fortunate to hear the winning essays written by our winners. All are students from St. Joseph Catholic School representing from left to right, 7th grade, 8th grade & 6th grade.

American History Essay Contest Winners 2022
2022 DAR Good Citizen
Our DAR Good Citizen was awarded to this student from Southeast High School. She has aspirations of becoming a physician. Not pictured was the DAR Good Citizen recipient from Palmetto High School.

2022 DAR Good Citizen
Old Florida Christmas – Manatee Village Historical Park
Fund raising for student recognition programs.
Manatee Chapter DAR members selling craft items.
Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch &
Managing Threatened Least Tern Colony
Our Manatee Chapter Regent continues these successful programs on Anna Maria Island!
Constitution Week High School Seniors Essay Contest 2021
High school seniors celebrate Constitution Day with essays
Constitution Week Displays at Central Library
Displays by our Manatee Chapter Historian
Book Donation South Manatee Public Library
Manatee Chapter 1st Vice Regent and Regent donate “We are the Water Protectors” to the South Manatee Branch Assistant Library (and future DAR Member).
Good Citizen Awards 2021
Each of these students was nominated by their schools for leadership, academics and overall excellence. Representing Palmetto High School and Southeast High School, these two are well on their way to a bright future.
American History Essay Awards 2021
This year’s essay topic given to the students: “March 5, 2020 marks the 250th anniversary of the Boston Massacre, considered to be a pivotal event that paved the way to the American Revolution. Imagine you are living in Boston. After witnessing the events of March 5, describe your family’s discussion about the Boston Massacre and what role it played in organizing the colonists against the British King and Parliament “

St Joseph Catholic 5th grade essay winner

St Joseph Catholic 6th grade essay winner

St Joseph Catholic 7th grade essay winner

St Joseph Catholic 8th grade essay winner
Good Citizen Awards 2020
We honored and awarded certificates to two students at our February meeting. Each of these students were nominated by their schools for leadership, academics and overall excellence. Southeast High School and Palmetto High School were represented by these two talented young ladies.
American History Essay Awards 2020
St Joseph Catholic School was very well represented by students in 5th (2), 7th and 8th grades!
Bradenton Christmas Bird Count (CBC) December 14, 2019
Team Members
Manatee Chapter donates hygiene products supporting young women at Crossnore School
Presentation of donated items to Florida’s State Chairman
Community Partnerships Reap Rewards
When the State Conservation project “Wands for Wildlife” was announced, the Manatee Chapter’s Conservation Chair, jumped right in to collect mascara wands for Appalachian Wildlife Refuge. She collected individual mascara wands from neighbors and family members.
The numbers of wands escalated when we partnered with Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch (AMITW) who embraced the project and reached out to their 80+ volunteers. The Island newspaper published an article about the project and mascara wands came in from all over Anna Maria Island. When an AMITW volunteer brought mascara wands from a glamour salon, we reached out to other salons who donated brand new disposable wands. We then contacted the local community college and their cosmetology program donated 200 more disposable wands.
When our members heard about these sources, they also purchased brand new mascara wands adding to the total number donated……1,749!
We couldn’t have done it without these community partners.

Award for 1,749 Wands for Wildlife donated!
NSDAR National Award for Outstanding
Constitution Leadership Week
Given to our very own Chapter member
Constitution Displays
Our Manatee Chapter daughter, created these informative and attractive displays for two Manatee County libraries. They provide details on the U.S. Constitution and encourages everyone to read and learn about the founding of our Nation.
Constitution Essay Winners –
“What The Constitution Means to Me”
L-R: 2nd Place, Lakewood Ranch; 1st Place, Braden River; 3rd Place, Lakewood Ranch; 4th Place, Bayshore; 5th Place, Manatee
St. Joseph’s Catholic School, 2019 History Essay Award Winners
Winners representing the 6th, 7th & 8th grades.
Our 2019 Good Citizen Award winners
L-R Chapter Regent with recipients from Palmetto HS, St Stephens and Southeast HS
Chapter Members are actively engaged in Conservation efforts.
We are excited to serve as beach monitors for nesting sea turtles and provide education to hundreds of Anna Maria Island visitors.
We have established pollinator gardens, participate in Earth Day clean-up efforts, lead bird walks, and serve as bird naturalists participating in the National Audubon Christmas Bird Count.
Earth Day
Manatee Chapter DAR members
National Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Manatee Chapter Regent with Bird Count members
Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch
Manatee Chapter DAR members with Turtle Watch members
Thank you Saint Joseph’s Catholic School!
2017 History Essay Award Winners

5th Grade 2017 History Essay Winner

6th Grade 2017 History Essay Winner

7th Grade 2017 History Essay Winner
Our 2016-2017 DAR Good Citizens Award Winners

Palmetto High School Award Winner

Lakewood Ranch High School Award Winner
Our 2015-2016 DAR Good Citizens Award Winners
Our 2013-2014 DAR Good Citizens Award Winner
Our 2012-2013 DAR Good Citizens Award Winner
This student also placed third in the state competition.
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations or individual DAR chapters.
Site updated 10/12/2023