Patriot Ancestors

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America 250 Patriot Marker Dedication

On a beautiful late 2023 October day, Manatee Chapter dedicated our America 250 – Revolutionary War Patriots Monument at the Veterans Park located along the Manatee River in downtown Bradenton, Florida. In her greetings from State Regent Cindy Addison, Laura Marriott stated “The National Society established the America 250 Special Committee to plan DAR’s involvement, and maximize its visibility, during our nation’s upcoming 250th anniversary, DAR is inspiring State Societies, Regents Councils and Chapters to engage the community, the reason we are all here today. Manatee Chapter has fulfilled this major DAR objective by dedicating this America 250 marker. The marker will be a source of pride for our local community to celebrate the brave patriots who founded our nation as a reminder and the importance of emulating their conviction, courage, and cooperation for national unity. Congratulations, Manatee Chapter.” To view a pictorial presentation of the complete dedication view the following link.

Manatee Chapter Regent, Kathy Brooks Juergens, FSSDAR Recording Secretary Laura Marriott, America 250 Committee Chair, Past Regent, Kathy Doddridge.           In attendance, a representative from Congressman Vern Buchanan's office, Mayors of both Bradenton and Palmetto, members of the Manatee County School Board, Historical Village, & the Manatee County Veterans Council.  Additionally we were honored to have representation from the Manasota Council, Osceola and Myakka Chapters.  

Mayors of both Palmetto and Bradenton Florida proudly stand with the newly dedicated marker.

In addition to the honor guard, greetings from FSSDAR, wreath laying and the dedication, Kathy Doddridge also presented to Jim Klocke, Chairman of the Manatee Co Veterans Council with the America 250 Commendation medal for his support in adding our Revolutionary War Patriot marker to the Veterans Plaza.

Manatee Chapter First Vice Regent, Carole Briggs honors the proceedings in full military uniform, presenting the Manatee Chapter NSDAR wreath during the dedication.

Manatee Chapter America 250 – dedication Planning Committee – L-R: Carole Briggs, Holly Wilson, Rebekah Thomas, Kathy Doddridge, Kathy Juergens, Tricia Sadler, Barbara Mills, Nancy Hooker, and Margaret Smelser.

For the dedication of our America 250 Patriot Marker, our own Barbara Mills created this beautiful Patriot Garden. She created silhouettes honoring the primary ancestor of each Manatee Daughter….plus a few more. It was a very impressive display. For a full listing of all of our Patriot Ancestors scroll down to the full listing.

Honoring Our Patriots

 We honor our Patriot ancestors as part of our commitment to

Historic Preservation and Patriotism

Our members are descendants of these Patriots, men and women who sacrificed their livelihood and fortunes, and sometimes their lives to ensure our Freedom.

Achtziger, Christophe **PSLAA216474
Alderman Sr., DanielPSNCA206993
Alderman, DavidSolNCA001056
Aldrich, IsaacPSSCA203187
Alexander, ArchibaldCSVAA001134
Allerton, JohnPvtNJA001910
Anderson, CharlesSgtVAA002352
Andry, Louis AntoinePSLAA002756
Anglin, AdrianPvtGA, VAA002819
Baker, JanePSVAA004960
Barber, SolomonPvtMAA005909
Barnum Sr., JoshuaLtNYA006582
Barr, JohnPvtMAA006621
Barron, IsaacLt, CS, PSMAA006750
Bates, WilliamPSNCA007523
Bayne, NathanPvt, PSPAA007707
Beatty, JohnCSVAA008191
Benedict, SilasSolCTA009053
Bennett, IshmaelPvtCTA009229
Bennett, JobPvtMAA131730
Bent Sr., DavidCaptMAA009404
Best, JohnPSNCA133247
Biery, MichaelNoncomPAA009987
Bingham, AlvinSgt, PSCTA010225
Blake, IshamSolVAA010954
Blasser, Lawrence PvtNYA011176
Bonner, BenjaminLt, PSNCA011992
Bonner, ThomasCol, PSNCA012011
Bossier, Georges **PSLAA215848
Bossier, PierrePSLAA053110
Bostwick, RobertPSCTA131755
Bourne, Antoine **PSLAA216473
Bowen-McIlhaney, LilyPSVAA012714
Brantley, WilliamPvtNCA013823
Brevard, BenjaminPSMDA131913
Brown, Jacob **PSNCA209075
Brown, JosiahCaptNHA015718
Brown, WhitePSDEA015926
Burns, JosephPSVAA114419
Cannon, JamesSol, PSSCA018871
Cantrell, MichelPSLAA018958
Carleton, ThomasPSNCA019202
Carpenter, SamluelPvtNYA019519
Carroll, ThomasSgtPAA019791
Castleberry, JohnPvtGAA020230
Chapman Sr., JohnPSVAA020914
Childs, NathanPSNCA021569
Clark, David **PvtNCA022244
Clark, JoelLtcol, PSCTA022415
Clinkinbeard, JohnPvt, PSNC, VAA023198
Colburn, ReubenPSMAA024008
Collamore, PeterCplMAA024403
Collier, Charles **PSVAA024418
Conant Sr., George PvtMAA024813
Cook, StephenPvt, PSPAA025469
Corn, John PeterPvtVAA026109
Cornell, GideonCaptRIA026128
Cowing, AndrewCaptVAA026873
Cox, RichardCS, PSNJA134728
Cox, SamuelPvtVAA027081
Cox Sr., ThomasPSNJA134795
Crutcher, HenryOfficerVAA028370
Dalrymple, AndrewPSNJA029404
Dance Jr., Thomas NoncomVAA029505
Dance Sr., ThomasPSVAA207378
Daniels, JosianPvtVAA029655
Day, EliphaletPSMAA030871
DeMuth, GottleibPvtPAA031742
Dillingham, VachelCS, PSNCA036099
Donnell, ZechariahSolMAA033189
Durand Jr., Francis JosephPvtNY, CTA035180
Durand Sr., Francis JosephPvtNYA035170
Dysart, JamesColVAA035305
Earle, BaylisPvt, PSSCA035392
Eastman Sr., Joseph PvtCTA035755
Elder, DavidPvtVAA037115
Ellerbe, ThomasCapt, PSSCA037359
Emerick, AdamPSPAA036365
Estep, RobertPvtPAA037265
Estes, ElishaPSVAA037275
Estes, Richard **Lt, PSVAA211119
Eveland, FrederickSgtCTA133012
Farley, JamesPSVAA038627
Fast, ChristianPvt, PSVA, PAA039243
Fisher, MinnePSNYA039604
Foster, WilliamPvtVAA041901
Frantz, SebastianSolNYA041900
French, AlexanderPvtPAA042321
French, HaynesPvtVTA042412
French, JohnPvtVTA042449
Fretz, ChristianPSPAA042587
Fudge, JohnPSVAA043149
Garner, JamesPvtVAA203842
Gordon, SamuelSolVAA207212
Green, PhilipCSRIA047269
Green, WilliamPSRIA047463
Green, WilliamCaptVAA047472
Griffin, EzraPvtCT, NJA205311
Guidry, Joseph **PSSAA212475
Harbaugh, YostCaptPAA051323
Hardesty, RobertPSMDA050134
Harris, ThomasSolSCA051966
Hill, IsaacNoncomMDA055758
Holcomb, ElijahSgt, PSPA, NJA056769
Hollingsworth, ZebulonPvtNCA056662
Hornor, JacobPSPAA058522
Horton Jr., Ezra **Sol PSCTA214002
Horton Sr., Ezra **PSCTA214003
Hosmer, GravesMidCTA058794
Howe, ArtemasCaptMA, VTA058220
Hymel, Sebastien **PSLAA214589
Inyard, WilliamLtPAA060333
Irons, GarrettPvtNJA060429
Jackson, MosesPvtVAA207514
Kaufman, JohnPSVAA063684
Keech, MartinPvtPAA071202
Kegereis, MichaelPvt, PSPAA064055
Keller, Jean PierrePSLAA213706
Key Sr., Martin PSVAA065332
Kibbe, IsraelPvtCTA065517
Killian, JacobPvtNCA065822
Lail, GeorgePvt, PSVAA067823
Lail, Margaret A.PSVAA067824
Lawrence, MichaelPvtNCA132935
Le Boeuf, Pierre Charles **PSLAA216475
Learned, AbijahPSNHA068037
Sampson, LeeSolNCA132667
Lee Jr., William PvtVAA068871
Leiby, FrederickPvt, PSPAA209084
Liberger, LudwickPvtPAA070262
Lippitt, JeremiahCSRIA069665
Low, AnthonyPvt, CS, PSRIA072001
Lowell, PeterPvtNHA072112
Marr, JohnSolMAA203550
Marshall, JoelPvtMAA073858
Marvin, WilliamPvt, PSNYA074716
Mason, Matthew **SolNCA114438
Matthews, TownsendPSVAA075583
Maull, JohnPSDEA075683
Maxey Sr., WalterPSVAA075793
May, NehemianCapt, CS, PSMAA076082
Mccampbell, WilliamPSVAA074691
Mccoy, WilliamLtVAA075802
Mcduffee, ArchibaldPSNCA092114
Mcfarland, DanielColPAA076782
Mckenney, DanielPvt, PSPA, VAA133210
Mcmillan, JamesPvtSCA078276
Mcmillan, JohnPvtNYA078288
Meek, JacobPvtVA, PAA077076
Merrill, JohnCaptMAA204516
Middleswart, AbrahamPSPAA212261
Miller Jr., Jacob Sol, PSVAA079034
Miller Sr., JacobPSVAA079031
Miller, NoahPvtCTA079498
Miner, Larkin M.PvtVAA080237
Mitchell, JohnPvtVAA080587
Moore, NathanielPvtMAA205085
Morris, SamuelCaptPAA101319
Norris, JosephPSMDA084418
Nungesser, John GeorgePvtPAA207394
Nye, JonathanSgtMAA085367
Oates, JessePvtNCA085486
Oates, JethroPSNCA122170
Parr, JohnCS, PSVAA088047
Perry, AbijahPvtNHA089220
Perry, JohnSolNCA089408
Phelps, HomerSgtMajCTA090079
Pitman, MicajahPSNCA089368
Porter, WilliamSolVAA091352
Prince, JohnPSSCA093245
Prior, JohnPvtPAA093331
Puryear, WilliamPSNCA132783
Rives, Thomas HenryPSVAA095091
Rogers, HughSolNCA098040
Ross, AmbrosePvtVAA098271
Roush, HenryPvt, PSVAA098977
Ruggles, AshbelEns, CSCTA099738
Ruggles Sr., Joseph CS, PSCTA099762
Salisbury, HenryPSNYA099315
Sewall Jr., Samuel Sol, PSNCA102153
Shockley, ThomasPvtVAA104159
Smith, StephenSolNCA105949
Stevens, JosephCplMAA204569
Stone, RichardPSVAA110255
Taylor Sr., Andrew CSNCA112285
Taylor, JohnCSNYA112874
Taylor, NimrodPvtVAA112783
Teeter, PaulCapt, PSVAA113260
Thomas, GilesPvtMDA112889
Thornton Sr., WilliamCSVAA114907
Throckmorton, LewisPSVAA115054
Titus, JosephPvtCTA116032
Trexler, Jacques **PSLAA215849
Troxell, DanielPvt, PSPAA116286
Troxell Sr. PeterPSPAA116299
Truesdale, JesseCaptNYA116427
Truxtun, ThomasA116427
Turner, JamesSolSCA117079
Turner, RogerPvtNCA117195
Twining, JohnPSNJA117525
Underwood, JeremiahPvtPAA117944
Vandall, AbrahamPvtNYA117491
Vicner, Jean Balthasar **PSLAA216472
Watkins, SamuelPvtVAA122387
Weeks Sr., JonathanPSCTA121558
Weethee, JamesCSNHA121617
Wentworth, PaulPvtMAA123010
Wilford, Joseph **Pvt, PSPAA209232
Wilson, JamesPvtPAA127500
Wisdom, FrancisPSVAA054697
Wiseman, WilliamPSNCA126840
Wood, SamuelSolNCA128161
Woollen, WilliamPvtMDA130306
Yates, George JamesCaptMAA129428

  • Capt: Captain
  • CDR: Commander
  • Col: Colonel
  • CS: Civil Service
  • Cpl: Corporal
  • CS: Civil Service
  • Ens: Ensign
  • LCol: Lieutenant Colonel
  • Lt: Lieutenant
  • Maj: Major
  • Mid: Midshipman
  • Noncom: Noncommissioned Officer
  • PS: Public Service
  • Pvt: Private
  • Sol: Soldier
  • Sgt: Sergeant
  • SgtMaj: Sergeant Major
  • Sol: Soldier

** behind the Patriot’s name is a special designation signifying that a Member has gone the extra step in proving a brand-new Patriot who was not previously in the DAR database. This is evidence of their Revolutionary War ancestor’s involvement, and subsequently established their eligibility for DAR membership.

The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations or individual DAR chapters. 

Webmaster Last Updated on February 7, 2024